April 18, 2010#

Australian Christmas

Headed back to the sunshine of home for Christmas 2009, and painted this as a Christmas card to irritate the loved ones we’d left behind to what turned out the be one of the most bitterly cold winters on record in Ireland.

Having spent the previous 4 Christmas’ in the northern hemisphere, I’ve come to see the relevance the of icicles, snow men, and rugging up warm connotations that come with this time of year. This was my boys second Christmas, the first being in Ireland, and i wanted to see how he’d go building a snow man in the sand.

March 20, 2010#

Boy With Match (Reflection Study)

Along the same lines as the reasons for the Bluebottle Boy picture – children and dangers – this came after my boy manages to lock me out in the backyard.

This is the imaginings of him locking me out, then finding a match. It was also an attempt at getting a better understanding of painting reflections.

March 18, 2010#

Blue Bottle Boy

When my son was about 8 months old, i began thinking about the potential dangers he would face at he grew, and about things that i had to look out for when i was young.
When i was young, we visited the grandparents at their house on the northern beaches of Sydney. We spent a lot of time learning to swim and splashing around there, but there was always the danger of the painful sting of the Portuguese Man-O-War, or as most coastal Australians call them, Bluebottles.
Throw in an unrelated fascination for the biggification of the small, and floating things, and this is the result.