July 13, 2010#

Home Early

A quick study of skin, weight and shame….

No real reason for it, other than for the laugh.
July 12, 2010#


Was just flaffing around, and ended up with something that was a cross between people i saw on a recent trip to Krakow, Poland, and a russian strength guru i’ve come across in my quest for fitting in exercise around small children…..

June 13, 2010#

Ripple (Watch That Flubber Fly)

This is another Illustration Friday piece – a quick Oil Pastel sketch of what i initially thought doing of after hearing the topic – “Ripple”, but before i read about the oil spill fund raiser thing….

A fat man slapping his flab. I have done this myself.
This was just for the laff – the proper one is here….
April 18, 2010#

The Runner

Quick sketch of a beer bellied man in a large hat running nude though a post apocalyptic wasteland.

I can’t really explain this one, other that i was doing a study of shadows on the man, and clothes got in the way; and also doing a study of background-as-pale-blur.
I’ve plans to revisit this at some point, but I’m not sure why….
April 18, 2010#

Swamp Man

Quick sketch of a swamp dwelling man. Wanted a feeling of wisdom and patience, with a twinkle in the eye.

The swamp scenes from Ten Canoes got me thinking about how one might live in such an area. Clearly, you’d need stilt legs.

I’ve plans ot revisit this at some stage…
April 18, 2010#

The Girl On The Hill

Quick sketch of a girl in a hill, with a fantasy vibe. Wanted a curious expression, and a posture of contained anticipation.

Like she’s wondering whether to hurt someone or not, but in a nice way.
I’ve plans to revisit this at some stage….
March 20, 2010#

Bi And Large (Volume Study)

This began as a pencil sketch of a stereotypical representation of some of the people one might meet in the streets around where i grew up. It was very a colourful, and flamboyant kind of area where one’s gender had little to do with it’s presentaion. Wanted to get used to creating volume and mass in colour, and also play with some fleshy tones.

March 18, 2010#

Limerick Woman (Attitude Study)

It’s weird in this cold dark country how the women seem to have evolved to utilise make-up foundation as a way to change ones own skin tone to another. Many women walk through the shopping malls in their best pair of pyjama’s, with an iridescent orange face – presumably designed to give off the impression of a healthy tan. But the tan stops at the jaw line, the concept of ‘blending’ having been bred from the gene-pool along with shoulders and good teeth.

What lies beneath, from jaw to cleavage, is the natural pale blue if Irish skin. A pale green eye-shadow is often selected to complement this and heavy black eye liner ensures the look of an infant at mummy’s make-up table is complete. Add large gold hoop earrings and you’re nearly there.

Lastly adopt a look of aggressive distaste one might use after stepping in something nasty.

March 18, 2010#


Done while thinking about a good friend and work colleague who was going through a particularity hard time. It was his own stupid fault, but the heart still goes out….