July 11, 2010#

The Bear

Another in the Animal Series i’m working on.
Started this a while back and abandoned it as it wasn’t clicking for me, but have it done now…..
July 10, 2010#

The Octopus

Finally! Back to the animal series, and the octopus is complete.

This too a lot longer than the others because of the suckers and tentacles.
Damn near killed me….
May 21, 2010#

The Gorilla

Don’t afraid. He only eats graps…

One in a series of animals I’m working on.

This took a while, primarily because of the hair. First real attempt at doing any kind of hair, and it was tricky getting both the colour right and the underlying form of the muscle looking right.

May 20, 2010#

The Newt

He’s really quite serious.

One in a series of animals I’m working on.
Interesting Woking on the skin and trying to get it to look the smooth semi-translucent look these guys have. Never realised there were so many variation in the colours too. Awesome.
May 20, 2010#

The Parrot

“Squawk – fancy that!”

One in a series of animals I’m working on.
Really quite happy with the attitude caught in this one, and with the way the feathers turned out – without having to go into too much detail.
May 20, 2010#

The Koala

Drunk on eucalyptus leaves, it sleeps high in the tree.

One of a series of animals I’m working on.