September 29, 2010#

Inspiration and Documentation

Been clearing out the office a bit in the hopes of child-proofing it somewhat. Maybe it’s just a fantasy, but the aim is to be able to do a little work periodically with the little ‘uns up hereā€¦. may only be able to check and send an email, or something less involved than actually painting, but i thought it’d be worth preparing the space.

In doing this all my old kids books and art reference books have been rediscovered, so i thought i’d periodically have a flick through some and write a post on why they survived every book cull over the past 34 years or so…

I’ve also been thinking about perhaps documenting my process a little more – trying to use the screen capture stuff – mostly for my own amusement, but it’s possible some other out there might get a kick out of it! Will probably go into how i’m using Painter as well, to keep track of the softwares many many many options. Like, i’ve just discovered Dirty Mode in the Artists Oils…. it’s a little check box – been sitting there for the past year and a half – did i ever click t to see what it did? No….

Feel free to let me know if there’s anything you’d like to see.

Stay tuned!

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