December 17, 2010#

Wreck The Balls (Merry Christmas)

Was running a bit late getting a card ready to send out this year. After last years card (here), the pressure was on, but i just couldn’t get there… properly anyway.

This started as a sketch when i had christmas carols stuck in my head, and couldn’t get them out. This is a take on Deck the Halls. It could have easily have been When Shepards Wash Their Cocks By Night, but after the commission i’ve just completed , the thought of another landscape just horrified me.

Not sure the blue glitter really worked out, but whatever – at this time of year, it’s the thought that counts.

October 4, 2010#


Submitted for Illustration Friday topic “Beneath”.

I had worked through a few idea for this one, intending to go with the main gist that something would be partly submerged, one thing on the top, and beneath it turns out to be something else, eg, an island that is actually the shell of a turtle, sort of thing….

I had a sketch of an ‘island’ and the water line, then moved down and it ended up looking a bit like a body floating backside up. Then it got tied up in ropes. The i added a weight to it. Then going back to the ‘island’, i drew a palm tree, coconuts and a monkey…. it all got a bit stupid  - looked like the tree was sticking outta the date –  so i pulled back to just the body completely submerged.

Decided to try a new ‘medium’ of Painter 11 that i haven’t used, the Airbrush. I quite like it , but it’ll take some getting used to! Might need to look at getting one of these if i want to keep using it….

October 1, 2010#

Process Diary: Cowen

Starting off some of the process diary stuff. This is a work in progress of the leader of Ireland, Brian Cowen. I’ve done a quick one of him before, but wasn’t completely happy with the likeness, so i’m having another stab at it.

Getting the jowls right is more of a challenge than i’d thought possible, in particular getting the to hang properly off those mammoth lips, but at the same time kinda prop them up…

Well see how this develops over time. Hope to keep going with it, but have to juggle a couple of other jobs at the moment too. Maybe it’ll be ready for Halloween…

June 1, 2010#

Girl And Bear

Saw some pencil work recently that reminded me of how wonderful pencil work can be. I particularly like pencil for soft toys and children so, in an attempt to get away from using Painter’s Artist Oils brushes and have ago at the Pencil brushes, I went with doing a bit of both.

But as i have been doing a lot of fairly straight ahead nice work, I couldn’t help adding a little bit of blood to this one…

Update: Submitted this for Illustration Friday topic: Trail.

April 20, 2010#

Better To Have Drunk And Lost Than Never To Have Drunk At All

This is about a short mans violent battle with alcohol and therefore everyone around him. It is the companion piece to The Gouhl, as after all – they are a couple.
March 18, 2010#


This was one of the first attempts using painter. Done using the gauche brushes, though beginning the sketch with the pencils. It had no direction and started as a bit of a doodle. I also captured it using ScreenFlow, and the result can be seen here.

It was fun….