December 8, 2010#

Bring Me The Head Of Brian Cowen

Brian Cowen

A man can dream, can’t he?

50 x 45 cm prints available, and, this year, would make the perfect Christmas gift!

October 1, 2010#

Process Diary: Cowen

Starting off some of the process diary stuff. This is a work in progress of the leader of Ireland, Brian Cowen. I’ve done a quick one of him before, but wasn’t completely happy with the likeness, so i’m having another stab at it.

Getting the jowls right is more of a challenge than i’d thought possible, in particular getting the to hang properly off those mammoth lips, but at the same time kinda prop them up…

Well see how this develops over time. Hope to keep going with it, but have to juggle a couple of other jobs at the moment too. Maybe it’ll be ready for Halloween…

June 26, 2010#

No Weeding. No Pruning.

Cartoon done for the Limerick Post.

An article about the ruins on farmers property that are heritage listed, and as such may not be interfered with in any way – not even to clear away any plant-life that may have over grown these teetering mounds of prospective rubble, which is what many farmers would like to do in order to maintain them somewhat- though it’s apparently fine for the farmers cattle and sheep to graze all over the things.
Was that the longest sentence I’ve ever written….?
June 11, 2010#

Surprised At Discovering No "Serious Consequences" Under The Sofa, The Taoiseach Practices His Look Of "Steely Resolve"

Taoiseach (tee-shuck) is the Irish official term given for the leader of the country; the equivalent, i suppose, of Prime Minister. The unofficial term given for the this leader of the country, is “Biffo”.

Triggered by a great line uttered by a friend, in response to the news that there would be “serious consequences” for Israel should any harm come to the Irish being held after the Gaza aid flotilla massacre. Article here.
It was also a chance to practice painting this man, possibly the most uninspiring of individuals….
May 29, 2010#

Willie O’Dea In The Heat Of Battle

Willie O’Dea is a Limerick man and former Minister of Defence for the Irish gov, but resigned recently over a recording ‘scandal‘.
He also pulled a strange photo shoot for the press a while back, and one dark evening, during elections, he and some of his ‘representatives’ knocked on my door and assured me he ‘represents the area’ and ‘knows where i live’ should i ‘need anything’…. i’ve kinda been endeared to him ever since that.

Update: This illustration has now been published! Info here.