June 27, 2010#

Australia Vs Ireland (Rugby)

See how i put Australia first?

Limerick Post piece, for the Australia Vs Ireland Rugby match played same day as edition. Needless to say, the picture, though dawn in advance, with the brief “Asutralia are gonna kick our arse” – or words to that effect, does reflect the gist if the match.
Ireland did play quite well, but unfortunately though numbering only 2, Australia were about 10 times the size, and looked like a couple of brawlers….
June 19, 2010#

Cork Vs Limerick (Hurling)

Limerick take on Cork in the hurling, and are up against Aisake o hAilpin.

This is quite possibly a true representation of the difference in height between the average Limerick player and o hAilpin… not that we should let that lead to the assumption it will be an old fashioned arse-kicking.


Used in the Limerick Post newspaper (and online edition) for article about this match.

June 11, 2010#

Ireland vs New Zealand (Optimistic)

It was suggested i do something for the upcoming Rugby Union match between Ireland and The All Blacks for Ireland tour of Australia and N.Z.

The possibility of it being used in a Limerick newspaper prompted me to pick one of Limericks most recognised and celebrated of rugby players, not to mention the current Munster captain, to use in the image.
I wanted it to be a Ireland supportive take of the match, with the giant man, O’Connell, towering over the kiwi’s.

Later I learned that a) Paul O’Connell isn’t on this tour, and b) Ireland are likely to be completely hammered by the apparently far superior team, the All Blacks.

I really should pay more attention to these finer details…. There’s still time; i might have another go.
June 11, 2010#

Surprised At Discovering No "Serious Consequences" Under The Sofa, The Taoiseach Practices His Look Of "Steely Resolve"

Taoiseach (tee-shuck) is the Irish official term given for the leader of the country; the equivalent, i suppose, of Prime Minister. The unofficial term given for the this leader of the country, is “Biffo”.

Triggered by a great line uttered by a friend, in response to the news that there would be “serious consequences” for Israel should any harm come to the Irish being held after the Gaza aid flotilla massacre. Article here.
It was also a chance to practice painting this man, possibly the most uninspiring of individuals….
May 29, 2010#

Willie O’Dea In The Heat Of Battle

Willie O’Dea is a Limerick man and former Minister of Defence for the Irish gov, but resigned recently over a recording ‘scandal‘.
He also pulled a strange photo shoot for the press a while back, and one dark evening, during elections, he and some of his ‘representatives’ knocked on my door and assured me he ‘represents the area’ and ‘knows where i live’ should i ‘need anything’…. i’ve kinda been endeared to him ever since that.

Update: This illustration has now been published! Info here.

April 20, 2010#

Better To Have Drunk And Lost Than Never To Have Drunk At All

This is about a short mans violent battle with alcohol and therefore everyone around him. It is the companion piece to The Gouhl, as after all – they are a couple.
March 18, 2010#


Done while thinking about a good friend and work colleague who was going through a particularity hard time. It was his own stupid fault, but the heart still goes out….