September 8, 2010#

International Rules And Greyhounds (For Trick:Tigers and Dogs)

International Rules is where the Australians get a team together from varied AFL teams, compete against Ireland – who have also put together a team from varied Gaelic Football teams – in such a way that generally leaved the Irish nursing many a bruise. In fact the Irish had cancelled the competition for the ‘foreseeable future’ after one bad year where several of the Irish players broke nails during the match.

oooooohhhhhhh – fighting words. C’mon, y’softies….
Anyway, it’s on again soon.
Also, something about a new greyhound stadium opening in October.
Not sure what else to say about this one, other than i had fun painting it for the Limerick Post.
July 28, 2010#

Attack Of The Zombie Hotels

Zombie hotels, standing largely empty, lifeless, are being kept alive for no clear reason.

They are able to under cut accommodation costs of B&B’s, Ireland’s more ‘traditional’ form of accommodation, and the B&B’s are feeling the pinch.
This is what i’m told, anyway….
July 1, 2010#

In Event Of Emergency

Ever run out of toilet paper?

Every so often, through practical experimentation, over the past 20 years, this technique has proved it’s self to be relatively reliable, if not quite time consuming. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of steps 5 and 6, and urge any who need to adopt this technique when the time comes not to rush. Take all the time available to you. Trust me.
Just felt that some knowledge needs to be shared, in the interests of surviving various otherwise potentially disastrous scenarios.
Submitted for Illustration Friday topic Satelite – When a fresh roll might as well be in space….
July 1, 2010#

Limerick Vs Kerry (GAA)

Piece for Limerick Post.

Looks like Limerick hasn’t won the Munster Senior Football title in 114 years, and they’re going to give it a shot this weekend.
Kind of bizarre that Limerick hasn’t won in that long, and for the Irish that’s just how long it’s taken, but as some one who is relatively new to Ireland and really knows nothing about the sport (other than the suspicion it’s where AFL came from), it struck me that Limerick haven’t won this title in about half of the history of Australia under white settlement.

Seems much longer to me now….
June 27, 2010#

Australia Vs Ireland (Rugby)

See how i put Australia first?

Limerick Post piece, for the Australia Vs Ireland Rugby match played same day as edition. Needless to say, the picture, though dawn in advance, with the brief “Asutralia are gonna kick our arse” – or words to that effect, does reflect the gist if the match.
Ireland did play quite well, but unfortunately though numbering only 2, Australia were about 10 times the size, and looked like a couple of brawlers….
June 26, 2010#

No Weeding. No Pruning.

Cartoon done for the Limerick Post.

An article about the ruins on farmers property that are heritage listed, and as such may not be interfered with in any way – not even to clear away any plant-life that may have over grown these teetering mounds of prospective rubble, which is what many farmers would like to do in order to maintain them somewhat- though it’s apparently fine for the farmers cattle and sheep to graze all over the things.
Was that the longest sentence I’ve ever written….?