September 17, 2010#

Blacker Pastures

I’ve been playing with image ideas to go with the name of this blog. The name Blacker Pastures came from the idea that where greener pastures might be better than where you are, blacker pastures might be worse some how.

I found after 4 or 5 years living in The Emerald Isle there was a few different aspects that made me think that perhaps i’d moved to blacker pastures, which is in a sense why i started this blog – to pull my self out of a rut, and find something positive to focus on, and drawing and illustration has generally been has always been something that i enjoyed.
So in a somewhat literal translation of the phrase this image was produced.
A field or pasture – plenty of those in Ireland.
Lashing rain – plenty of that in Ireland, and on of the things that had begun to kill me.
Black ink and simple, chosen to make it kinda blocky and ‘logo’.
Originally i was thinking of a making the animal a sheep, as it’s what i think of when i think of pastures (possibly cows too), but i’ve had a few run ins with goats driving in the country, and i like the silhouette more. Besides, they’re horny…
Submitted for Illustration Friday topic “Proverb”, after finding the proverb “When rain fall, sheep and goat have to mix” (Trinidad and Tobago).
I stopped at the goat….
July 1, 2010#

In Event Of Emergency

Ever run out of toilet paper?

Every so often, through practical experimentation, over the past 20 years, this technique has proved it’s self to be relatively reliable, if not quite time consuming. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of steps 5 and 6, and urge any who need to adopt this technique when the time comes not to rush. Take all the time available to you. Trust me.
Just felt that some knowledge needs to be shared, in the interests of surviving various otherwise potentially disastrous scenarios.
Submitted for Illustration Friday topic Satelite – When a fresh roll might as well be in space….
June 26, 2010#

No Weeding. No Pruning.

Cartoon done for the Limerick Post.

An article about the ruins on farmers property that are heritage listed, and as such may not be interfered with in any way – not even to clear away any plant-life that may have over grown these teetering mounds of prospective rubble, which is what many farmers would like to do in order to maintain them somewhat- though it’s apparently fine for the farmers cattle and sheep to graze all over the things.
Was that the longest sentence I’ve ever written….?